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Great donation given by Maharishi Dadhichi:

 Great donation given by Maharishi Dadhichi:

Once upon a time, the temporary teacher of the deities used to be Vishvarupa. He used to perform many yagyas for the deities and used to give a part to the demons in that yagya. When Devraj came to know about this, he killed Vishwaroop Guru. When Vishwaroop's father Maharishi Tvashta came to know about this, he revealed Vritrasura from the sacrificial altar to take revenge on the deities. On the orders of Maharishi Tvashta, Vritrasura attacked the deities.

The gods used their divine weapons on Vritrasura to protect Devloka, but all the weapons were breaking into pieces after colliding with its hard body. In the end, Devraj Indra had to run away after saving his life. Devraj Indra ran away and went to Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Mahadev, but all three gods said that there is no such weapon in the world which can kill Vritrasura.

All the gods became sad. Seeing the pitiable condition of the deities, Lord Mahadev said that there is a Maharishi on earth named Dadhichi. He has made his bones extremely hard by practicing penance. Request them to donate their bones for the welfare of mankind. If the Maharishi is ready to donate, then the weapon that is made from his own bones can end Vritrasur.

Devraj Indra asked for donation of bones from Dadhichi as per the order of Mahadev. Maharishi Dadhichi asked for some time before giving up his life for the sake of the world.

At that time the wife of Maharishi Dadhichi was pregnant. Mahadev being pleased with Maharishi Dadhichi had given such a boon that he himself would be born in his house as a son. The very next day Mahadev was going to enter his life in the form of a child.

After going inside the cottage, he spoke to his wife Devi Suvarcha and sought her permission and forgiveness. Maharishi said Devi, if you do not give permission then my donation will not be fruitful. Your permission is essential for the donation of my life.

And I am leaving you in this state. I had promised you to support me in every sorrow and happiness, but please forgive me Goddess. Then his wife Devi Suvarcha granted him permission and also forgave him. Then Maharishi went and gave up his life.

God's craftsman Vishwakarma made a weapon named Vajra from his bones for Devraj and also made weapons for other gods.

After this Devraj Indra challenged Vritrasura to a fight. In the war, Devraj Indra struck Vritrasur with a thunderbolt, which shattered Vritrasur's body like sand. The deities regained their authority over Devlok and the rule of religion was established in the world.


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